Over the years I’ve been practicing high dynamic range photography. Especially when shooting interiors of abandoned buildings and need to capture detail in shadows as well as in highlight areas. I don’t want to go into detail about HDR photography. I wrote some words about the technique in my book 'Lost In Time' I self-published in 2010 and loads of articles are online for further reading. I do suggest you invest in (a) good book(s) about HDR photography, some titles will be posted later on.
Capturing and post processing images takes a lot of time and practice. A well-known software tool Photomatix Pro is a very complex, but at the same time a complete tool to achieve subtle, realistic HDR images. Not every image turns out as expected after processing, I’m sure many of you encountered white walls turning grey, color cast in blue skies to name but a few… Trial and error is bliss but in the end man knows what to avoid, what to capture and how to process to create a stunning image. A few days ago I stumbled upon a plugin, a Lightroom plugin (and I love Lightroom) so I tried it out. The LR/Enfuse plugin designed by the guys at the Photographer’s Toolbox is a nice and easy to use instrument to get realistic images without the hassle of several sliders, complex algorithms and disadvantages mentioned above. It doesn’t generate HDR images though but the technique is based on exposure blending and the use of multiple exposures resulting in realistic photographs. For shooting interiors this is by far one of the coolest plugins or software I ever used and it all starts from the Lightroom library, excellent! Check it out, don’t forget to donate so you can use the plugin for high-resolution files too! http://www.photographers-toolbox.com/products/lrenfuse.php Next time I’ll talk about the new Fuji X100T mirrorless camera I recently bought and some handy tips or tricks regarding the setup.
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